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It's The Most Wonderful Time of Year... Right?

Kiana Richardson

Updated: Dec 6, 2024

Christmas isn't the only thing it's beginning to look a lot like around my house - it's also beginning to look a lot like cold and flu season.  It hit us all hard and, y'all, let me tell you it is rough trying to take care of and keep entertained a sick and irritable toddler who just wants to play chase and what-can-I-stick-in-the-toilet when all you want to do yourself is curl up with your favorite fleece Christmas blanket, a cup of lemon tea with honey and rewatch Game of Thrones (except for season 8 - we don't talk about that one). But, us mommas don't get sick days, and the show must go on, as they say.  One thing that is helping me get through the seemingly endless cycle of wiping the faucet that is my sweet boy’s nose and DayQuil/Emergen-C chasers for me are my Christmas decorations.  I know as the holidays approach, not all of us relish in the thought of putting out our decor and, in part, that’s just because it’s hard to know what looks good.  I’ve spent some time this year reflecting on what I think are the primary goals, at least for me, of decorating and wanted to share my top three takeaways/tips with you all.  

One – Keep It Simple 

Less is more.  It’s more aesthetically pleasing, more functional, and a lot easier to put everything away when the holiday is said and done.  I used to feel an immense amount of pressure to put everything I ever purchased out just out of pure guilt; if I don’t put it out, it just means I wasted the money.  Or, so-and-so gave me that, I have to put it out (even if I don't really love it). I’m not sure if I’m alone in this, but on the off chance I’m not and there’s anyone else out there feeling the same weight, I’m talking to you here: That is not what it means.  Every piece of decor serves its purpose for its time.  That perfect mini tree next to your entry may have been just the thing that space needed when you purchased it four years ago.  It’s absolutely okay to either skip it this year or find something new and exciting for that space.  Keeping it simple also helps keeps things from looking cluttered and overstimulating and allows for your favorite pieces to have center stage.  A lot of people shutter at the thought of putting their decor out just due to the sheer volume of stuff they have to put out – by only putting out your absolute favorite pieces and keeping it simple, you set yourself up for a quick teardown at the end of the year.  Seriously, I think I had my decorations up in 40 minutes or less this year and it’s all because I let go of that feeling of obligation and just put out what I truly wanted to look at.  

Two – Create Some Rhythm 

Creating rhythm is a fun way to draw the eye where you want it to go or draw attention away from where you don’t.  This principle doesn’t take a Christmas vacation and absolutely can come in handy when you’re decorating and trying to create a visually interesting space.  One of the ways I personally create some rhythm with my decorations is setting things out according to size.  I tend to create a stepped look with my decor, placing things out from shortest to tallest.    

If rhythm of this nature is tough to achieve with your decor, you can choose to focus on harmony.  If you notice you are drawn to decorations that have a similar pattern, space those out around your home to tie in multiple rooms together.  I’m a sucker for the black and red checkered print pattern and it’s evident in about 80% of my Christmas decor that I have sprinkled throughout.


Three – KEEP IT FUN 

I don’t know who ever said decorating for the jolliest time of the year had to be stressful, but it does seem to stress a lot of folks out.  If you get stressed because of how many things you feel you should put out, stop putting that many things out.  My mom only put up her tree and decorated her banister with garland this year and called it good.  What do you need to say ‘No’ to in order to say ‘Yes’ to a joyful end of your year?  If you get stressed just because you don’t know where you should place things, go with your gut – if something looks out of place or feels too heavy for a space, it probably is.  What else do you need to do to have fun sprucing up your home for the holidays?  Need to blast Christmas classics while you decorate? Turn it up.  Need to enjoy a glass a wine while you put a few things out?  Mazel tov.   

The point is you deserve to enjoy the holiday season – which already comes with enough pressure.  Don’t let the pressure you feel be the pressure you place on yourself just trying to make your home what you want it to be for the holidays.  Keep it merry, keep it bright and, remember, Santa is watching...   

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